Introducing the Topcon HiPer XR GNSS Receiver

Introducing the Topcon HiPer XR GNSS Receiver

Posted by Daisy Roberts on 6th Feb 2025

Introducing - Topcon HiPer XR GNSS Receiver!

An exciting addition to the survey game, Topcon’s latest GNSS receiver features multi-constellations and multi-frequency tracking, as well as a new ‘calibration free’ tilt compensation. Here are a few main points which help the XR stand out from Topcon’s previous models…

  • A cellular modem as standard - the HiPer XR includes an internal cellular modem as standard, with the option to add a UHF Radio modem at an extra cost.

  • Multi-constellation, and multi-frequency tracking over 448 channels - this is a huge step up from the previous 226 channels.

  • Anti-jamming/anti-spoofing technology-  the HiPer XR uses technology to help monitor and mitigate atmospheric disturbance.

  • Option to use as part of a Hybrid kit.

  • New tilt compensation method, with no need to calibrate - by far the most exciting thing for Topcon users! For so long, the previous tilt method has been a massive pitfall and something which has made users consider other brands. The new tilt technology sits the HiPer XR up there with a Trimble R980 and the Leica GS18T.

  • Powered by USB-C - gives users the boost power with a power bank on the go, plus opens up the option for vehicle charging without the need to purchase a specific extra charger.

  • Over 10 hours of battery life - the XR holds two internal Lithium-Ion batteries.

  • eSIM - the HiPer XR is the first to carry a Topcon eSIM, this is a multi-network eSIM card which can be activated at

  • Lightweight - a  Topcon FC-6400 & Hiper XR kit will only weigh around 1.8kg on the pole, a Leica GS18T & CS20 will weigh around 2.25kg on the pole, and a Trimble R980 & TSC7 will weigh around 2.77kg on the pole - need I say anymore?



HiPer XR

448 Channels

Fast charging - 2.5 hours to 100%


Over 10 hours battery life

138.6 x 138.6 x 97.2mm

LongLink Bluetooth - up to 300m


Minimum tilt errors - 6mm (V)


Satel TR4+ Radio Modem


With the release of the HiPer XR, we’ll also see a new release of Topcon Field (v9.1) which includes the use of the XR which isn't available in previous versions. We’re super excited to be adding the Topcon HiPer XR to our evergrowing product basket, and also to our hire fleet. 

The HiPer XR is available to preorder now, with delivery expected mid-February/early-March depending on demand. To register your interest in the HiPer XR, and for pricing please contact us on 01244 821777, or fill in our contact form.