
Asset Management using Magnet Field

Asset Management using Magnet Field

Posted by Matt Ingram on 26th Oct 2020

Whether measuring and reporting on the condition of drains or recording the position of road signs and street lighting, Magnet Field has a great tool for quickly gathering asset information. Here is a quick guide to introduce you to Field Reports in Magnet Field :Start in the Map screen or Topo Map view then right-click or press and hold to access the command for Create Field Report :Complete the short form to report on the condition of the asset as well as record a position, time stamp, photogr … read more
Creating Points and Lines from background CAD files in Magnet Field

Creating Points and Lines from background CAD files in Magnet Field

Posted by Matt Ingram on 21st Sep 2020

If you are out in the field and you receive a large CAD file with lots of extra information you don't need for setting out, here is a quick tip for you!Magnet Field has the ability to import CAD files as background images. When a drawing contains a title block, scale bar and other unnecessary information, this takes up extra memory and demand on the processor with no real benefit to us.Using the CAD tools in the Map View, we can create new points, line, circle centre points and a whole host of o … read more
Changing Colour Theme in Magnet Field

Changing Colour Theme in Magnet Field

Posted by Matt Ingram on 15th Sep 2020

Users of Magnet Field vary from archaeologists to zoo keepers and everything in-between! Having a broad range of users working in a wide variety of environments often means people have different ways of working and prefer different software configurations. One very simple but particularly useful option some people are not aware of is simply changing colour scheme - whether working in bright sunlight or in a mine, changing the theme can help you see information clearly on-screen. Here is a quick … read more
Boost your productivity utilising QuickCodes in Magnet Field

Boost your productivity utilising QuickCodes in Magnet Field

Posted by Matt Ingram on 7th Sep 2020

Magnet Field software by Topcon has some handy tricks to boost your productivity when out in the field. One example is using Quick Codes whilst surveying. Find yourself using similar codes over and over again? Don't keep using drop-down menus or keyboards to swap codes - utilise quick codes to save your time!Quick codes take a moment to configure but once setup they are kept for your future work. We've recorded a short example of setting up a group of quick codes for a road survey. Up to 9 quick … read more